Kitchen in the Cottage in the nature retreat near Crater Lake National Park, Klamath Basin Birding Trails, wetlands, wildlife refuges in southern Oregon.

Nature Retreat
Cabins, "Tree Houses" and More
near Crater Lake in Oregon

The Kitchen in the Cottage

The Cottage, private & most secluded, set apart from every other amenity in the retreat. Situated in the forest on the meadow, with the river flowing peacefully by. Sit outside at night & view the myriad of stars or in the backyard under the rustling boughs of Ponderosa Pine swaying in the afternoon breezes.

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Lodgings Introduction

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Facilities at the Retreat, Lodgings at the retreat > Cabin The Abbey and the Cottage >
The Cottage Directory > The Kitchen in the Cottage.

Nature Retreat
Cabins, "Tree Houses" & more
in southern Oregon

The retreat is a non-smoking facility.