Testimonials, page 19:

cabins, tree houses, cottages, vacation rentals in the forest on the river: spiritual, nature, hiking, birding retreats in oregon in klamath basin near crater lake. Try birding, nature walks, hiking, vacation rentals. Ideal getaways for writers, artists; meditation, near crater lake national park, national wildlife refuges, mountain lakes wilderness area, sky lake wilderness area, the high desert.

Eagle Ridge on Shoalwater Bay, Klamath Lake in the Klamath Basin of Oregon, #1 birding in the west.

Thank you so much, SO MUCH, for sharing your paradise with
me. I love it here ~ What more can I say? As I told you before ~ this
is how people are meant to live.

Many thanks,


Brad, You have a cozy, peaceful place. We enjoyed our stay
~ & also your CDs.

Ralph & Ingrid

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Getaway Cabins & Tree Houses.

A non-smoking facility.

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