Testimonials ... for the discerning:

testimonials from former guests at the retreat: cabins, tree houses, vacation rentals located near crater lake national park, klamath basin birding trails, national wildlife refuges, wetlands offering cabins, tree houses and more in the pacific flyway of southern oregon and northern california.

Table of Contents, page 1

Autumn at the Retreat, page 1.

Clouds over Klamath Basin, page 2.

Rogue River at Prospect Oregon: Diverse Loop Tour, page 3.

Rabbit Ears in the Cascades: Diverse Loop Tour, page 4.

Egrets at Eagle Ridge: Klamath Basin birding Trails, page 5.

Pelicans at Eagle Ridge; Klamath Basin birding trails, page 6.

Light on the Lake, Wood River Wetlands: Klamath Basin birding trails, page 7.

Crater Lake National Park: Diverse Loop Tour, page 8.

Great Blue Heron at Eagle Ridge, Klamath Basin Birding Trails, to the left.

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Nature Retreat
Cabins, "Tree Houses" & more
in southern Oregon

The retreat is a non-smoking facility.